
it would be nice to have it. Then I could use width and height in percent to recompute the scale don't I ?

Anyway I am not sure if I am able to integrate it into FOP because I started with XML and XSLT week ago what my colleagues did not finish...


John Burgess wrote:

By default fop assumes bitmaps are 72dpi so it will spread a 144x144 pixel
bitmap across 2 inches in width and height.
However, if you tell it the size you want
ie width="1cm" height="1cm"
then it will produce the bitmap at that size.

If your bitmaps are all of different sizes then I have written a java class
for use as an xslt extension that reads the bitmap and reports back the
width and height in pixels.  I can submit the source code and the jar if
there's interest - I've only tested it with jpegs but it should work with
any bitmap type supported by the javax.imageio package.  I believe there is
a plug in that will do GIFs though it's not part of the standard
distribution because of the lzw patent problem.


----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 13, 2004 2:17 PM
Subject: Re: How to write equations for FOP ?

Hi Pascal,

thanks for an answer but I am not sure if it solves my problem. It still
generates GIF images with resolution of 72dpi. And for this resolution I
see pixels - formulas are very rough. For SVG it looks it is only the
bitmap wrapper, isn't it ?


Pascal Sancho wrote:

I have found elsewhere that J.Pietschmann then Jeremias Maerki wrote
respectively following info about MATHML:
There is a FOP MathML extension using JEuclid in the CVS repository.
You can check it out (from the maintenance branch), build FOP and create
a servicec entry for the MathML element mapping (there should be a sample),
it should work then.
The MathML extension is in CVS HEAD under examples/mathml, not in the
maintenance branch. And it will probably take a bit to adjust it for FOP


-----Message d'origine-----
De : Pascal Sancho
Envoyé : lundi 13 septembre 2004 14:47
Objet : RE: How to write equations for FOP ?

I think that a good way is to generate svg code embedded in a
You can visit

-----Message d'origine-----
De : Vaclav PEROUTKA [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Envoyé

: lundi 13

septembre 2004 14:24 À : [EMAIL PROTECTED] Objet :

How to write

equations for FOP ?

Hello list,

I would like to know how can I use FOP with math equations


I currently process equations in LaTeX and insert images

but FOP has

72dpi resolution. For PDF documents it is useless. How can I set at
least 300dpi resolution or is there any better approach to generate
equations in XML ?



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