On Oct 20, 2004, at 10:28 AM, Andreas L. Delmelle wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: Clay Leeds [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Could you explain how one would 'plug in Saxon 7 instead' of Xalan for


Should be quite simple really: replace the Xalan jar in your JVM's
'lib/endorsed' directory with Saxon's jar. (Maybe to make sure all goes
well, you could also replace it in FOP's own lib directory, then rebuild
FOP, but IIRC this shouldn't be necessary...)

Thank you Andreas! I'm sure future browsers for this issue will thank you! Would you be willing to write up some documentation on how to do this so I can add it to the FAQ as well as the Running page (unless it would be more appropriate on the Configuration page).

Try it, and use the following in your XSLT to check:
<xsl:value-of select="system-property('xsl:vendor')" />

I haven't tried it yet as I haven't had the need. But I will flag this message (and use it to update the docs when I get the chance...).

The theory:
FOP never references classes in Xalan's own packages (org.apache.xalan.*).
All Xalan does for us is offer an implementation for the
javax.xml.transform.* API spec. Any provider of an implementation for these
packages --Saxon, for example-- should work seamlessly with FOP.
The javax.xml.transform API spec hasn't been altered in any way as a result
of XSLT/XPath 2.0 --it didn't *need* to be, which is the whole point, of
course... XSLT can continue to evolve, but the javax.xml.transform API
should be generic enough to support possible changes.

In the same fashion, one could opt to use an XML parser other than Xerces.
We offer Xerces and Xalan because we can distribute them freely with FOP.
(We could also have opted not to distribute *any* XML parser or XSLT engine,
and leave it all up to the end-user, but this would needlessly complicate
things --no more running FOP 'out-of-the-box' :-( )



Thanks again for the education!

Web Maestro Clay
Clay Leeds - <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Webmaster/Developer - Medata, Inc. - <http://www.medata.com/>
PGP Public Key: <https://mail.medata.com/pgp/cleeds.asc>

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