
> > Can anyone guide me how to add hyphenation
> > for Japanese language? I have got .tex file for SJIS i.e.
> > SJIS.tex, but according to FOP's documentation,
> > I need to convert it in .xml file. I don't
> > know how to convert it. So, please guide for the
> > same.

Check: http://xml.apache.org/fop/hyphenation.html#patterns

All the relevant data on the creation of FOP hyphenation patterns is
explained there. No real profound knowledge on TeX patterns here, but having
taken a look at a few TeX-files, it looks like it wouldn't pose too much of
a problem to create a FOP hyphenation XML from one of those --maybe one
could write a Java class that does exactly that, or maybe a Perl script
would be more appropriate. Who knows... also conceivable to write a Xerces
XNI TeXParserConfiguration[1] to parse a TeX-file, then use Xerces to send
the generated SAX events back to a file.



[1] see: http://xml.apache.org/xerces2-j/xni-config.html for an example of a
CSVParserConfig; use spaces instead of commas to tokenize the buffered line
of TeXt, change or add to the element names, add a few rules... --and don't
forget to donate it back to Xerces, as to return the favor ;-)

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