
Here is my marker code (FOP 0.20.3):

<!--parse out the markers-->
<fo:inline font-size="7pt" color="black" font-weight="normal"
      <xsl:for-each select="@*[starts-with(name(.),'marker__')]">
<!--parse out the markers-->

The inner inline was to "fix" the "fo:marker must be an initial child,and
'marker-class-name' must be unique for same parent" messages.  The "for"
loop is because I have multiple dynamically generated markers in a given

Hope this helps.


|         |           "John Burgess"       |
|         |           <[EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|         | >          |
|         |                                |
|         |           10/22/2004 05:13     |
|         |           Please respond to    |
|         |           fop-user             |
|         |                                |
  |        To:      <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                                         
  |        cc:                                                                  
  |        Subject: Retrieve-marker problem.  Can anyone help with wrapper 
workaround?                        |

I am trying to use maker and retrieve-marker to put the title of the
current chapter into the header of my documents.
I have this working BUT the formatting of the chapter title in the header
is the same as where the marker is i.e. Large
and Bold, appropriately for the title of a chapter bit not for a running

I know this is a known problem with fop (I am using 0.20.5 by the way).
However, in the mailing list archive I saw amongst the messages dealing
with this problem one from Andreas L. Delmelle saying:

Oh, another detail: there's a nasty bug with markers that renders them with
the same properties as the region/block where they are defined, so to make
it work correctly, you have to add an fo:wrapper around the marker to set
the font-size/-weight etc. to the same values they have in the static

For more info: check the examples for markers that came with FOP


I think I have probably misunderstood what Andreas means.

What I did was to have

<fo:block use-attribute-set="chapter-heading"> <!-- sets 20 point, bold
font -->
<fo:wrapper use-attribute-set="headers-footers"> <!-- sets 8 point light
<fo:marker marker-class-name="chapter">Introduction</fo:marker>

But while that meant the header was in the correct font etc., the chapter
title was then very small.
Is there a workaround for this situation?

Best Wishes
John Burgess
Risk Decisions Limited
T: 01865 718666
F: 01865 718600

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