I've played with JDK 5.0 today and I wanted to share what I found out.
The question from Chris Pratt earlier today made me look into this a bit
further. I didn't find out, yet, why the command line doesn't work. But
I found out something else that might be good to know for some people on
this list.

In the past, I've written a number of Xalan-J extension, one of them the
Xalan extension of Barcode4J. Standing just before the 1.0 release of
Barcode4J (finally, sigh) I checked the whole thing with JDK 5.0 and,
d'oh, the Xalan extension doesn't work. Xalan-J can't compile my
stylesheet because the XSLT compiler doesn't find
org.apache.xalan.extensions.XSLTProcessorContext which I use in the
extension. That's because this class in now at

The work-around is the same I gave Chris Pratt earlier. Put the latest 
(original) Xalan-J release in the <YOUR_JAVA5_HOME>/jre/lib/endorsed
directory to ensure the original Xalan-J is used.

Almost as soon as we could have started thinking about not shipping Xerces
and Xalan with binary releases anymore, it suddenly seems like there's a
new reason to keep doing it.

Jeremias Maerki

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