Further info in regards to the Process class can be found in Sun's bug
The bug was opened as Bug#5099865

Here is Sun's official response to the bug - which is now closed:
     Work Around



     We will not fix this because JDK 5
     does not include Xalan, but only
     includes XSLTC as the XSLT transformation engine.

     The customer can use the 1.2.6 version of JAXP
     in the JWSDP 1.4 release which has Xalan.
     [EMAIL PROTECTED]  10/18/04 15:35 GMT

Examining the source code for  com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xslt.Process
shows that the there is a    public static void _main(String argv[])
That while not being able to be run from the comand line would be easy
enough to wrap in your own main method, Keep in mind that it is no no
longer being supported by Sun (they recommend the workaround as stated

Hope this helps,
Dave Flanagan


> Sun seems to have relocated Xalan in to a different package. The
> "Process" class is now at
> com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xslt.Process.

> But even using this class I get an error message: 
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: main

> I don't know what they did when they compiled Xalan. As a work-around
> just put the latest Xalan release in the
> <YOUR_JAVA5_HOME>/jre/lib/endorsed
> directory and you should be able to run the XSLT command line like
> before.

> On 29.10.2004 09:17:37 Chris Pratt wrote:
>> Ever since I installed JDK 1.5 I haven't been able to run the XSLT command
>> line utility to check my FO.  Did something change?  The command I'm
>> executing is:
>> java org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -in <xmlfile> -xsl <xslfile> -out
>> <fofile>

> Jeremias Maerki

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