> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tom Frey [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Tom,

> Everything would work fine in the HEAD CVS besides the page
> breaks. Is this something that is going to be fixed soon or
> is there anything I can do about that?

Well... ATM not 'everything' works fine in HEAD, although it's definitely
getting better-and-better every day --FO validation, for instance, has been
drastically improved compared to 0.20.5 (to the extent that one does not
necessarily have to run in debug-mode to get a meaningful error message).
Whether the page-breaks are going to fixed soon, I couldn't say, but if you
feel like it and are interested... please, have a look at the Layout-code
and if you come up with an idea, it will sure be welcomed. Feel free to
subscribe to fop-dev and join the discussions. Layout is currently the main
point we're focusing on, so, yes it *might* be quite soon.

Also, check the bugzilla bug-reports for fop-1.0dev. If you come across
something that hasn't been reported yet, enter a bug with minimized example
files demonstrating possible areas of improvement.

All help is welcome!



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