robert frapples wrote:
The issue here is that a <fo:table:cell> takes up the full height of
the containing <fo:table-row>, but the <fo:block> in the
<fo:table-cell> takes up only the height it needs to display the
content.  What is needed is a way to make the <fo:block> take up the
full height of the <fo:table-cell> when the height of the cell (and
row) is determined by the content of another block.

height="from-parent(height)" does not work.
from-table-column() is not implemented.
height="100%" does not work
display="absolute" bottom="0in" does not work

Has anybody come up with a way to make a <fo:block> take up the full
height of the containing <fo:table-cell>?

No way, the implementation of the height property for blocks is rather incomplete. However, why do you think you need this? You can set a background color or use a padding in the table cell directly (unless you want to link to content of the cell).


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