> -----Original Message-----
> From: Johannes Wolfgang Woger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


<snip />
> How can I set column-width dynamic
> <fo:table-column column-width="
> Does not work.
> Can any values of FOP attributes be set dynamically?

Well, to this last question...

No, in the sense that an XSL-FO fed to FOP --so at the moment when it's
purely an XML document in the XSL-FO namespace-- can contain only fixed

So, in your case, you need to make sure that what FOP gets as input is, for
example an element like:

<fo:table-column column-width="proportional-column-width(2)" />

All resolving of the 'calculatedWidth' variable needs to be done *before*
FOP tries to interpret the property value. This can be done by javascript,
or as it was designed to be, in the XSLT stage: somewhere in the stylesheet
you use to transform the source XML into XSL-FO.

Hope this explains it adequately (if not, just yell :-) )



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