> -----Original Message-----
> From: Santiago Crespo Calvo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


One question:
> The value of <linea> strings are written in
>   <xsl:value-of select="." disable-output-escaping="yes"/>

Do you really *need* to disable output escaping? If not, best to leave this
out, since your original:

> <linea>Doporu&#269;en&#233; maloobchodn&#237; ceny bez DPH</linea>

will make the output of the XSL transform --FOP's input-- contain the
characters, not the entities. If, subsequently, your XML or XSL encoding (or
output-encoding) is ISO-8859-1 --a subset that doesn't have characters for
&#x10D; or &#x0E9;--, this is guaranteed to have undesired effects.




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