Thank you Lars. It worked perfectly. But what i don't unserstand is, can i 
perform a transformation from xml (using XInclude) to pdf via FOP in one step? 
And if so, how?


If you use xercesImpl.jar from Xerces-2.5.0 (or better, I use 2.6.2) and Xalan-J version 2.5.1 (or later, I use 2.6.0) you can execute XALAN with a command like (one line!):
java -cp %LOCALCLASSPATH% -Djava.endorsed.dirs=where_everXalanAndXercesAre -Dorg.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration=org.apache.xerces.parsers.XIncludeParserConfiguration org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -IN %1 -XSL %2 -OUT %3
where the bold -D parameter activates Xinclude.
The -Djava.endorsed.dirs parameter is to make sure you get the right versions of Xalan and Xerces if you use a Java version 1.4.0 or better. Else you will execute the included versions that don´t cater for Xinclude.
If you invoke FOP from java-code you have the option to start off with:
System.setProperty("org.apache.xerces.xni.parser.XMLParserConfiguration", "org.apache.xerces.parsers.XIncludeParserConfiguration"));

The -Djava.endorsed.dirs parameter should go here too.
Lars Bjerges
Team Verktyg
* FöreningsSparbanken IT
105 34 Stockholm
( +46 (0)8 58 59 43 45
( +46 (0)70 95 27 774


From: Stimpmania [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thu 12/16/2004 12:19 AM
Subject: FOP and XInclude


does anybody know if it is possible to use XInclude with FOP. Xerces supports a 
partial implementation of W3C XInclude since version 2.5. How can I use it with 

What I want to do is something like this:

file a.xml
  <xi:include href="b.xml" xmlns:xi=""; />

file b.xml

file stylesheet.xsl
<template match="bill">

Thanks in advance

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