Three points:

- FOP 0.20.5 ignores the content-width|height properties. See here:

- FOP embeds the image loaded by an external-graphic element as is.
There's no scaling or rebuilding of the image involved. However, your
example suggests that the image comes from an intranet site and is only
80x30 pixels in size. This is not much for a print medium. On screen and
in the browser it might look sharp, but for print you might need to have
another version of the logo in a higher resolution. I believe the
dithering you see is a result of the PDF viewer or the printer.

- Don't use "px" as units for PDF output, they only make sense if you
render to a bitmap format.

I can't tell what's causing the graphics to be generated so slowly. It
might help if you could provide an example PDF so we could have a look
at it.

On 12.01.2005 21:56:57 Smilgiewicz, Gene [CPB] wrote:
> Using  fop-0.20.5 on a Sun/Solaris box, I am able to generate a PDF
> containing graphics referenced by the <fo:external-graphic> tag.  The
> PDF gets generated (sloooooowly) but the GIF and JPG images look
> dithered, not nearly as sharp a the source images.  Images degrade when
> they are the exact size of the rendered output and when they are scaled
> down, whether height/width are specified or not.
> My group has double and triple checked that we are using all relevant
> attributes (for example:  <fo:external-graphic content-type="image/gif"
> content-width="80px" content-height="30px"
> src="/default/main/Intranet/MST/WORKAREA/MST/graphics/logo_pop.gif"/> ). 
> We've double and triple-checked the image files to be sure that the
> images are sharp (they are).  
> Can anyone suggest something we have overlooked that may be causing the
> image degradation?  THANKS!

Jeremias Maerki

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