
Resolution is a tough nut. You can find more info on the FOP Graphics page[1]. A couple of patient people have done tons of testing, which you can find in the archives from a year or two ago. The way I got high quality was to create a 300dpi logo image that was larger than I needed, then specified width & height attributes that required the image shrink to fit. It's not an exact science, unfortunately.


On Jan 19, 2005, at 11:50 AM, Luke Shannon wrote:

If I specify one of the dimensions of an external image should this not
ensure that the resolution used in the PDF will be the same as the orginal?

I am trying to use a hi rez image as my header, however it looks like it is
being written as 72dpi in the document, even though I specify the width.

Below is my code.

The FAQ page contains the following quote:

The explanation above describes only the basic default behavior. There are
other attributes of the fo:external-graphic element that can affect the
behavior described above.

Is there more details on this somewhere?



src="url(file:///usr/tomcat/ac/images/topbanner/ nakheel_BL_pdf_panel.gif)"
width="1125px" scaling="uniform"/>

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