IPD = inline-progression-dimension

FOP is probably peeved because you didn't tell it how big to make the 
columns. FOP doesn't automatically determine the size of columns.

If you can't figure it out pretty quickly from that info, send a code 
listing (short as possible but that shows the problem) to the list.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services
(presently consulting at Synergistic Solution Technologies)

"William Brogden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
02/21/2005 03:56 PM
Please respond to


What is a table IPD?

I get the following error:
      [java] [ERROR] At least one of minimum, optimum, or maximum IPD must 
be specified on table.
occuring a page that starts a long (but simple) table extending
over multiple pages.

Searching the source code for "maximum IPD" does not turn up anything and
my XSL-FO book doesn't mention anything that looks like it could be
called "IPD" - what is it talking about?


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