Mike Trotman wrote:
From my recent experiments, using absolutely positioned block-containers,
I think the image is scaled so that the width is the maximum width of the image
but the height is not constrained (though uniformly scaled).

I don't think so. Have a look at the code in ..../fo/flow/ExternalGraphic.java

Unfortunately the height and width attributes are to specify the size of the external-graphic area
which the image is allowed to exceed

Not in the FOP implementation. It may overflow the parent area though.

- which is where content-height and content-width come into play?

I always thought the use case for the content-width|height properties is for specifying percentages, e.g. content-width="50%" will scale a 4cm wide image down to a 2 cm wide. This is still tricky for bitmap images without an embedded resolution.


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