Hi all,

I have an xsl-fo which inserts 49 SVG images into the PDF file. These
files are diagrams, containing text and vectorial symbols.

After launching the Fop processing, have a bath, coffee, and so on, I
finally get a nice 730 MB Pdf file of 160 pages...
The Word comparison is... 1.4 Mb...

Is there any switch in FOP that might handle the SVG a bit more

FOP command :

CALL ..\..\Tools\fop-0.20.5\fop -q -c
..\..\Tools\fop-0.20.5\conf\PostConfig.xml -fo
..\XSL-FO\pcs_Kommissionierung_automatisch.fo -pdf

XSL-FO Image import extract :

<fo:block text-align="center" padding-after="15pt">
content-type="content-type: xml/svg" block-progression-dimension="17cm"
inline-progression-                       dimension="25.7cm"/>

The SVG width and Height have been set in a way that they fit a given
area on the page.

And here the header of the SVG :

<svg xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"; width="525" height="503"
viewBox="-19 -14 1189 1140" preserveAspectRatio="xMinYMin meet"
kerning="0" xml:space="preserve" style="stroke: black; fill: none;">

Any help would be appreciated ;-)


Lawrence Michel

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