I don't think JFOR is developed any further, as it has been integrated
into FOP. The trouble is that I'm probably the only active committer
currently even having an idea about how the RTF support works and I
don't have a lot of time left to look into this. What I've done, however
was checking nested tables with FOP's RTF support. It didn't result in
an NPE but didn't result in properly nested tables in Word, either.
OpenOffice even crashed on that RTF file. It looks like the RTF commands
for the nested table are not even generated.

This is bad news, obviously, but I can't do very much about it right now.
RTF support is on my long-term list, but so far it produced everything I
needed from it. You're invited to have a look at FOP's RTF support
(based on the original JFOR code) and to help us improve it.

I'm sorry that I can't help any further ATM.

On 13.08.2005 05:08:17 Carlos M. S. Bento Nogueira wrote:
> Hello jfor/fop users!
> After keep struggling with jfor to try to solve this exception
> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=823529&group_id=29441&atid=396239
> i found the following not so brilliant conclusion:
>    -the problem is coming from class RtfTableRow, when method
>     getExtraRowSet is invoked. This method,at a certain point,is
>     returning m_extraRowSet(an instance of RtfExtraRowSet)
>     which is null. The odd thing is that this variable
>     seems to have been initialized before at method writeRtfContent().
> If anyone has a version of jfor that
> works with nested tables, or the knowledge to point me out for a
> correction of this bug i would be very gratefull.
> Thanks for your time,
> CarlosN.

Jeremias Maerki

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