On Wed, 31 Aug 2005 02:50 am, Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> On 30.08.2005 19:00:25 michella wrote:
> > Thank you for your support. Everything works pretty fine from now
> > on.
> Thanks for being brave enough to try out our new code and for telling
> us of any problems you find.
> > Still another question : Is it normal that GIF images aren't
> > handled anymore?
> The image handling has been improved considerably in the new code, at
> least in my opinion. GIF images are now supported through four
> different image sources (handled in this order):
> - JAI
> - ImageIO (only >= JDK 1.4)
> - JIMI
> - the ugly, not really working URL hack to load a GIF image. :-)
> > When I include "external-graphics... As gif image",I get the >
> > following error :
> >
> > I installed SDK1.5.0_04, and jai-1_1_2_01-lib-windows-i586-jdk
> > ---------------
> > Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
> > com/sun/media/jai/codec/FileCacheSeekableStream at
> > java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
> >     at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
> >     at
> > org.apache.fop.image.ImageProvider.getImplementingClass(ImageFactor
> >y.java:589) at
> > org.apache.fop.image.ImageMimeType.getFirstImplementingClass(ImageF
> >actory.java:639)
> Sounds a lot like a class path problem. Are you sure you've added
> both jai_core.jar and jai_codec.jar to the classpath? Since you're
> working with a JDK >= 1.4 you could also remove JAI now with FOP
> Trunk and instead just use ImageIO which is provided by the JDK. GIF
> support is already in there. No additional libraries required.
It is also a bug in our image provider detection mechanism. It shouldn't 
throw an exception but simply try the next available provider.

I'll post a patch.
> Jeremias Maerki


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