And to add to the other comments, you should rather use content-height
and content-width instead of i-p-d and b-p-d because the latter only
defines the size of the viewport, not of the reference area in which the
image is painted. There seems to be a lot of confusion about the use of
these properties especially since FOP Trunk provides a better
conformance to the spec than FOP 0.20.5. I'll write a demo file
demonstrating all the effects of the different properties. On the other
side, there may still be bugs in the layout manager for external-graphics.

On 31.08.2005 12:43:18 michella wrote:
> Sorry, I forgot to post the fo:external-graphics :
> <fo:block text-align="center" padding-after="15pt">
>       <fo:external-graphic 
>               content-type="image/bmp" 
>               src="../Publikation/Images/HS_Einfaechern.gif" 
>               inline-progression-dimension.optimum="auto" 
>               inline-progression-dimension.maximum="505px" 
>               block-progression-dimension.optimum="auto" 
>               block-progression-dimension.maximum="710px" 
>               scaling="uniform"/>
> </fo:block>
> I always get : Exception
> java.lang.RuntimeException: Some content could not fit into a line/page
> after 50
>  attempts. Giving up to avoid an endless loop.
> When I set "inline-progression-dimension.maximum" and
> "block-progression-dimension.maximum" lower, it won't change anything.
> Notice : I use exactly the same externa-graphics attribute value for JPG
> and SVGs. No Problem.
> Lawrence

Jeremias Maerki

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