Hi all,

I have a web application with a background thread that check for a condition and then this condition is meet needs to generates a report with fop and send it directly to a printer. For now I want to stay as general as possible. The web application is deployed with Tomcat on Windows or Linux. I don't know what kind of printer (PCL, postscript, etc) either.

Is there a way to have a flexible solution. I found some info on the web site (http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop/0.91/output.html) but doesn't really apply to my problem.

I also found stuff with JDK1.4 to print .. but no working example.
DocFlavor flavor = DocFlavor.INPUT_STREAM.PCL;
PrintRequestAttributeSet aset = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet();
//        aset.add(new PrinterName("\\\\107208\\SBE08111", null));
//        aset.add(MediaTray.BOTTOM);

Any help, or code example will be appreciated ..
Thanks for your help!

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