On Jan 13, 2006, at 10:24, Jacek Wójcik wrote:

When I try to format decimal value "0.85" (or others - below 1.00) using FOP
formatting "###,##0.00" - result is "0.085" (!). (FOP Version 0.20.5)

<xsl:value-of select="format-number(., '###,##0.00')" />

Someone known any solution of this problem?

Hmm. format-number-() is an xslt function. I guess this means you'll have to go complain on the users-list of your XSLT processor (probably, but not certainly, Xalan).

BUT: (a big BUT) try making it 'format-number(###.##0,00)'. If that works, then it's simply a matter of switching from '.' to ',' for decimal-separator.



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