On 06.02.2006 20:25:05 Andreas L Delmelle wrote:
> On Feb 6, 2006, at 19:13, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > I am having an issue with using Apache FOP and an HP Deskjet 460c  
> > printer.
> >
> > The command that is failing from our java program is: Fop.main(-xml  
> > xmlFilename -xsl xslFilename -print);
> Well, IIRC, sending the output directly to the printer makes the  
> outcome dependent on Java AWT...
> I don't know by heart if the mentioned printers understand  
> PostScript, but rendering to PS and piping the output to the printer  
> might be an option (? analogously: render to PDF and pipe the output  
> through acroread.exe)

No, all smaller DeskJets need a special kind of PCL. That option falls
away. However, before anyone comes up with the idea for using the PCL
Renderer: I don't think that would work with an Inkjet printer because
they can't build up the whole page image in memory and the PCL renderer
can't do the banding necessary for Inkjet printers.

> > It uses an XML input file and style sheet to print out a  
> > "participation agreement" from our software. The above command  
> > works fine with the HP Deskjet 450cbi printer and all other  
> > printers we have tried, except for the HP Deskjet 460c.  When we  
> > use the HP Deskjet 460c, the software just form feeds a blank sheet  
> > of paper through the printer.  Neither our application or the HP  
> > Deskjet 460c give any errors.
> >
> > We are using an IBM Thinkpad, T40 model.  It is running Winodws  
> > XP.  The java JDK is JDK1.3.1_15.  The HP Deskjet 460c is attached  
> > to a USB port.
> Another alternative you could try (if you're at liberty to do so) is  
> upgrade the JVM (long shot: I'm thinking a more recent version of AWT  
> could turn out to be the answer...)

That's good advice in my opinion. JDK 1.3.1 is very poor where printing
is concerned. I'm sure you will get better results with a JDK >= 1.4.

Jeremias Maerki

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