On 28.03.2006 23:19:48 Pardha Paruchuri wrote:
> I am getting following error in FOP 0.20.5 when I am trying to convert into 
> PDF. but It creates the PDF fine.
>   [ERROR] TrueType warning: Can't find cvt table
>   [ERROR] TrueType warning: Can't find prep table
>   what does this mean ? Can it be ignored ? Please help.

TrueType fonts consist of many different tables with different
information in each. Not every table can be found in every font. The
warnings above mean that the "cvt" and "prep" tables don't exist in your
font. If you still get the XML font metric file from the TrueType font
and the usage of the font in FOP works then yes, you can ignore it.
I'm not sure if the two tables are required for the font to work but I
think they are of only minor importance.

Jeremias Maerki

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