I've attached the XSL file.

You will see the following lines:

        <!-- <xsl:apply-templates select="document('ClientInfo.xml')"/>
        <xsl:apply-templates/>  -->     
        <!-- Mailing information table-->

The first two are the lines I added to import the data.  It just brought in
all the data, then stuck it at the top of the output file, along with the
rest of the XML file.  

The third is the comment.  The lines below that are where I'm having layout
problems.  I can't seem to get the tables to work the way I want.  The first
column goes off to the left of the paper.  I can't seem to get the space
after the mailing information right, and I'm sure I'm going to need to
modify the pages so that the top margin is a little lower.

How do I get the document() function working, including getting the data I
want into the lines I want (currently listed as "Row 2 Column 1, Row 2
Column 2, ..."?

How do I get the tables to stay within the print area?

Thanks!! <<AthenaFormat.xsl>> 

Michael Gosselin
Athena Diagnostics, Inc.
(508) 756-2886 x3708
(800) 394-4493 x3708

Attachment: AthenaFormat.xsl
Description: Binary data

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