On Friday 28 April 2006 23:52, Burton, Jeff wrote:
> I've just upgraded to FOP 0.92 (from 0.20.5)  to take advantage of
> the keep-together support, but I've encountered a new problem.
> I have an xml file that contains image links (0-10 images) that is
> used to create a pdf (I'm using the oxygen editor which has xalan
> built in and I use fop 0.92 to create the pdf)
> First problem was image scaling/size, that was fixed from information
> at this link http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=37136
> next problem is that while images used to just be put on (wrap to)
> the next line when there are too many to fit in the width of the
> page, now they just run off the page to the right. I haven't been
> able to cure this one.
> I've tried setting the width of the containing fo:block but that
> changes nothing. Text wraps nicely, but the images do not. I'm sure
> there is something that I need to specify, but I have been unable to
> find what it might be either from my friend google or the 'manual'.
> Possibly I don't know what I am looking for, I am very new with
> xsl:fo.


with the XSL alone its difficult to tell whats going on. Can you post 
the actual .fo file produced, that is the XALAN output before it goes 
into FOP. And please cut that output down to the smallest possible file 
still exhibiting the problem.

I believe there is a difference in line breaking behaviour between 
0.20.5 and 0.92 when it comes to <fo:external-graphic> and 
<fo:instream-foreign-object> elements (See the fop-dev mailing list for 
a topic called 'Linebreaks around e-g and i-f-o'). If you have 
consecutive <fo:external-graphic> elements without any spaces between 
them 0.92 will not break between those elements while 0.20.5 will. 
However, without seeing the actual file you give to FOP its hard to say 
if this is the case here. You could try and put a zero-width-space 
(&#200b;) before and after each <fo:external-graphic> element in your 


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