Dear Glen Mazza and others,

Glen Mazza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>More detective work seems needed. Have you tried to create the
absolutely most minimal Docbook document possible, to see if the error
still occurs? This would help determine if the problem is in the text
(in which case, you can slowly zoom in on the problematic XML by adding
more of your original text in) or your Docbook setup.
I did that, it is not my first docbook, more precisly I have problems with only one chapter of my document. The problem doesn't comes with the docbook syntax, because when I have isolated the paragraph, I was surpised that simply changing a particular URL it get the error. I suspect that it is a problem about fitting into page the text and not a particular docbook syntax.
If you want I can sent you the original document, if we find the problem then I will write into the mailing list the result of our investigation, :-)
I get perfectly the HTML document, my problem comes with the PDF document. I have tried to convert the HTML document into PDF using Adobe Acrobat Professional and it works.

>Also, I think there is a fop.extensions parameter[1] that needs to be
set for Docbook when you are using our processor. The Docbook-Apps
mailing list may be able to help you more on this topic, unless someone
else here also knows.
on Docbook there is a clear message for preventing posting messages related with style and other companions tools like this. On my case, I guess there is no a docbook question, because I can generates the HTML file.

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