Title: PDF Text areas


Here is the complex problem I have to deal with.

A few month ago, I encountered the well-know performance issue due to forward references when using fo:page-number-citation to include in document footers the number of pages of the generated documents.

To cope with this issue, we recently changed the way to handle that feature. For that, we simply replaced the fo:page-number-citation by a text marker included in an fo:block (<fo:block>¤</fo:block>) and post-processed the PDF using iText to substitute the "¤" character by the real number of pages.

It works perfeclty except for following aspect. Because the length of the marker and the length of the substituted string are not the same, in some situation, the length increase generates an offset of text areas located after the marker (in another fo:block).

The precise situation in which the problem occurs is the following :

                <table-cell><fo:block>Another cell</fo:block></table-cell>

It seems that the PDF contains a single area with all the elements of the row (I'm not familiar at all with the internals of the PDF format).

My question is the following : is there a way to force FOP to generate two distinct areas in the PDF making the substitution impacts of the length increase neutral toward other cells position of the same row.

Thank's in advance

PS : I use FOP 0.20.5

Sébastien FOUCAULT

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