FOP 0.92b


I have the following fragment of an fo file that is not working as expected:


         <fo:block id="endofdoc" keep-together="always" keep-together.within-page="always">




                  <fo:block text-align="center">

                     <fo:leader rule-style="solid" leader-length="70%" text-align="center"


                     <fo:block linefeed-treatment="preserve" white-space="pre" font-size="8pt"


                               color="maroon">Shortages must be reported in writing within 10 days of receipt.

Finance charges of 1.5% per month (18% per annum) will be added to overdue accounts.</fo:block>

                     <fo:leader rule-style="solid" leader-length="70%" text-align="center"







Fist I had only “keep-together” and then added “keep-together.within-page” and neither are keeping the footnote-body block together.  In a particular case, the first fo:leader is on one page and the balance of the fo:footnote is on the following page.


Am I applying this incorrectly, or is this not working as expected?



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