Increase memory allocated to java with -Xmx256m
Andre Groeneveld wrote:
Hi Daniel,

I'm getting the same problem when loading an xml File that is round
about 30MB, have you found a solution for your problem yet?

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Noll [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: 29 May 2006 06:17 AM
To: FOP Users Mailing List
Subject: OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

Hi, folks.

I am working on improving our application by making it able to cope with

larger text than it can currently handle.

My test document is some 36MB of text, which is really just the same sentence over and over. We first generate the document as HTML (for simpler templating), and this part works, the resulting HTML being around 39MB. We then convert the HTML to XSL-FO, and that part is working as well, the resulting FO being around 45MB.

The resulting XSL-FO looks a little like this:

    . (skipping the top of the file.)
    This is a test file with an awful lot of text.<fo:block/>
    This is a test file with an awful lot of text.<fo:block/>
    . (skipping the bottom of the file.)

(What it's doing is simulating a <br/>.  I got that idea a long time ago

from another post on this mailing list.)

Anyway, when I get to the part where the FO is rendered to PDF, FOP throws an OutOfMemoryError. Is FOP trying to keep the entire document in memory, and if so, is there some way around it?


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