... I evaluated the conditional spacing, but when I retain the space-before, the blocks will have the spacing which doesn't match the strict client requirements. (e.g. title has a 9pt space-after and following block 6pt space-before, which would - of course - lead us to 15pt of total space between, which is bad. I can't simply remove the space-before (or after), as the document structure is so complex it would lead to wrong results in certain combination of blocks)
It seems I'll have to wait for your fix...

Jeremias Maerki wrote:
Not sure if it'll fit into this week. I'm leaving for Ireland on
Thursday and won't have much time for hacking until 2006-07-08.

But did you look at Chris' suggestion about conditional spacing? Doesn't
that help you for the moment?

On 19.06.2006 18:12:21 Martin Zak wrote:
...thanks Jeremias,
I thought the reason to be like that.
But there is a question (as always :) )
- would you care to fix it ? (with respect to importance you assigned to it mentally)
In case it would not be so big change, when do you expect it?

[just to provide some background of this issue:
I render the book without side-notes in 'normal' mode
and with side-notes in 'review' mode (where side-notes contain
the link for editing paras.
Obviously it is VERY bad these two pages doesn't look the same.
I was trying to find some workaround, but no luck till now.
I'm stuck with big project :(( ]

anyway, thanks for the amazing work!

Jeremias Maerki wrote:
On 16.06.2006 15:07:25 Chris Bowditch wrote:
Martin Zak wrote:
Hi all,
I'm using the absolutely positioned block-container for a side-note.
The page body has left margin defined while block-container has start-indent set to 0pt. (so the block-container is rendered in a "column" left to the rest of the text on page like this:


  <fo:page-sequence format="1" master-reference="sequence-chapter">
    <fo:flow font-family="Times" font-size="12pt" flow-name="xsl-region-body" 

      <fo:block-container margin="0pt" padding="0pt" width="30pt" start-indent="0pt" 

      <fo:block space-before="9pt">lorem ipsum dolores...</fo:block>
Whats happening here is the rules of conditional spacing. If a space is the first in the reference area (fo:flow in your example) then the default is to discard the space. If the space is not the first thing in a reference area then its is retained. It seems the block-container fools FOP into thinking that there is something before the space in the reference area and it is therefore retained.
Indeed, the BlockContainerLayoutManager creates a KnuthBox (w=0) in the
element list for the absolutely positioned block-container which is
currently interpreted by the SpaceResolver as a fence. And a fence makes
the SpaceResolver believe that there's content before the space. Looks
like we should find a solution to indicate to the SpaceResolver which
boxes are no fences. Another example would be the often-used empty block
at the end of the flow for "page x of y" which probably creates a fence,

Without knowing the full context of your application I'm not sure of a wrokaround. Specifying space-before.conditionality="retain" will ensure the space is always shown, regardless of whether there is a block container or not.



Jeremias Maerki

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Martin Zak
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