Clifton Craig wrote:

Thanx for the feedback. I realize my question speaks more towards the development practices regarding XSL-FO but I was hoping to run across some experts in the field that might shed some light on my situation. I'll try another list and see if I have better luck. Indentation can be done by the Xalan processor it's just that the way I'm using it seems to not work. I know there are options you can use in your stylesheet but they don't seem to be working with the way I'm doing my transform. Are there any Xalan experts out

setting indentation options in the stylesheet itself, i.e. <output indent="yes"/> only seems to work when running from the command line. If you are serializing the output within a program then you need to set indentation on the serializer properties.

I don't have a clue about any of your other questions. Sorry,


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