We use XSL/XSLT for reports and for Docbook.

Docbook: Tech Writer creates the XML documents that will be fed through the Docbook stylesheets. Uses Eclipse WTP for this. The developer creates an Ant script that automates all of the tech writer's doc generation and publishing-to-web-server tasks so the writer only needs to know how to call Ant tasks from the script for these chores. (Over time, our tech writer has also learned to modify and add new tasks in.)

Docbook Maintenance: Tech Writer enters the documentation changes (after getting information from developers) and republishes them via Ant scripts.

XSL/XSLT Reports: Very nice separation of data from presentation chores. Developer first defines the input format of the XML document that will have the report's data. The tech writer creates the stylesheet that will layout the report, usually leveraging previously created stylesheets, and also creates sample XML documents with dummy data for testing the stylesheets. Tech writer also maintains any header stylesheets that will be imported by multiple document stylesheets. Developer creates the SQL, SAX Event generation, etc. that generate the XML document.

For a non-programming tech writer, XSLT coding presents a pleasantly not-very-steep but continuous learning curve--simple stuff can be done without any training at all (i.e., change the title in an already existing document from FOO to BAR -- anyone with a text editor can S & R on FOO to do this without needing to know a thing about XSLT) with more complex tasks (XSLT templates and functions and the like) gradually added in over time.

XSL/XSLT Reports Maintenance: Tech Writer is responsible for making stylesheet/reports look "nice" and presentation/layout change requests, developer is responsible for bringing in new/different data elements from the SQL, as well as overall maintenance of the web application.

The main thing when doing Docbook and XSL/XSLT in production, especially with non-programming employees is: Ant, Ant, Ant! Keep everything automated and defined (classpaths, working directories, web servers to FTP to, etc.) within Ant and outside local IDEs/computer environment variables. (Among other benefits, if some developers prefer this IDE and others another IDE, it won't matter, because everything is configured within the Ant build file.) The second most important thing is CVS/SVN, CVS/SVN, CVS/SVN! Eclipse makes it easy to immediately commit new changes.



I'd be interested to know what types of people are using the FOP engine to 
generate documents.

Could you indicate whether your setup has a dedicated programmer, or team of 
programmers, individual author, technical author etc.

Does the same person who writes the content setup your FOP transformations.


Andy R

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