

Using fop trunk.


When I include an image using external-graphic (tried both jpeg and gif) the image displays just fine when rendering to pdf. When rendering to png however the image looks much worse (not sure how to describe it, it looses contrast or something like that).


When I do the exact same thing but use batik to include the image it looks just fine.


Anyone any thoughts on this?






PS  Here is an example


<fo:root xmlns:fo="">
        <fo:simple-page-master master-name="master" page-height="200pt" page-width="200pt">

    <fo:page-sequence master-reference="master">
        <fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">
            <fo:block-container absolute-position="fixed" left="10pt" top="10pt" width="40pt" height="20pt">
                <fo:block linefeed-treatment="ignore" font-size="0">
                    <fo:instream-foreign-object width="40pt" height="20pt">
                        <svg:svg xmlns:svg="" width="40" height="20">
                            <svg:image xmlns:xlink=""

            <fo:block-container absolute-position="fixed" left="10pt" top="50pt" width="40pt" height="20pt">
                <fo:block linefeed-treatment="ignore" font-size="0">




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