PDF/A support in 0.92beta is somewhat incomplete. Adobe Acrobat is
definitely buggy. I've filed three bugs with Adobe. Not that I got any
reply on my bug reports. FOP Trunk (from Subversion) has its own problems
sorted out. It even does work-arounds to keep buggy Acrobat happy.

So please retry with FOP Trunk.

On 22.09.2006 09:26:43 Martin Xenakis wrote:
> Hi,
> i have a Problem with the "preflight" funktion in Adope Acrobat. 
> I create a PDF/A with Apache fop-0.02beta with the option -pdfa1b. 
> I embedded all fonst and the creation ends without an error. 
> But then i test the PDF file with the Preflight funktion from Acrobat 7.0.8
> i receive this Message:
> "Metadata does not conform to XMP" (no future Details)
> I use the profile "Compiant with PDF/A-1b.  
> So, is it a Apache FOP problem or a Acrobat problem or my problem?

Jeremias Maerki

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