i see, i'll try that out immediately
thanks a lot

On 10/16/06, Glen Mazza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 16.10.2006 14:26:51 Onur Senturk wrote:

>>hi, i'm trying to use fop with oc4j but i think the xml parsers are
>>conflicting. when i try to use xerces, the application doesn't start. When i
>>use the xml parser of the oc4j, i cannot make fop work.
>>what should i do? does anyone have an idea? thanks.

Hi Onur, I converted a FOP-based web app from Tomcat to Oracle App
Server a few months back.  Yes, you will need to switch to the Apache
XML libraries, but you will also probably need to temporarily activate
OAS classloader logging to try to figure out what the loading problem is
("the application doesn't start" problem you mentioned above.)  Every
application is different, and all have their initial installation
headaches.  (It turned out for me, for example, that I was missing
commons-logging.jar, but the *only* way I could figure that out was by
running OAS classloader logging and viewing the log files.)  If this
doesn't work, and you're desperate, another piece of advice I can offer
is to *greatly* simplify your webapp--deploy a skeleton of it--and
incrementally put more into it, using process of elimination to
determine at what point the webapp fails.  I gave links to information
about OAS classloader logging and switching parsing libraries in a blog
entry below:



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Onur Şentürk

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