On 23.01.2007 14:56:18 Klaus Förster wrote:
> I know this question sounds quite strange, but would it be possible to 
> resolve title- or desc-Attributes of an SVG element as annotation popup 
> within the produced PDF that shows the appropriate value(s) in a 
> tooltip-like manner on mouseover? One use-case for this feature would be 
> displaying data-tips within thematic maps, charts or the like produced 
> from SVG with Batik

Looking at the PDF spec, I think that should be possible. In PDF
Reference 1.4, see 8.4 Annotations and 8.5.2 Trigger Events. You can
probably control the hidden attribute of an annotation using a
mouse-over trigger event using a "hide action".

> any ideas whether this would be hard to implement?

The part in PDF is probably not all that hard. A few minor improvements
to the PDF library should get you there. The harder part is to write a
Batik extension that works with the PDF transcoder to generate the right
elements in PDF. Since I've never written an extension in Batik, I don't
know how much work that would be. Better ask on the Batik users list for
ideas on that.

Good luck!

Jeremias Maerki

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