Thanks you for your answers

Actually I afraid I did not ask my question clearly enough.
The @value which is the content of an XML File's element which contains
a String.
This String has to be formatted (a little bit if possible :-) ) with new
So that the text:

Mister T"NewLineChar"Hannibal Smith"NewLineChar"Looping

Where "NewLineChar" should be the expected character

After rendering FOP will look like in PDF format to:

Mister T
Hannibal Smith

Is it possible? Or should I find a way to use multiple blocks?

Thank you.


-----Original Message-----
From: Abel Braaksma [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 10:14 AM
Subject: Re: XSL - NewLine

Just use:


You can also add an entity to your doctype if you tend to use this kind 
of newlines more often:
<!ENTITY newline "&#38;#x0D;&#38;#x0A;" >

and use it as follows:

which will be rendered as a \r\n by the serializer. Of course, you could

also use an xsl:variable to do the same.

Why do you want a \r *and* a \n? Because if you output XML (which you 
do: XSL-FO) the serializer will make sure that all \r\n will become \n. 
Which means that


is semantically equivalent with:

which means that the newline entity definition will do exactly the same 
when defined thus:
<!ENTITY newline "&#38;#x0A;" >

(not so when you output as text, but that is another story)

If you *have* to have both the \r and the \n in the serialized output (I

have no idea why, I think you don't) then your only bet is XSLT 2.0 
which allows you to put in late-serialization replacements with 

-- Abel Braaksma

Gregan, Miroslav wrote:
> Hello all,
> I need to put manually new line in a pdf document and it has to be for

> the @value field.
> I know, to put a new line I should use a new block, but Is it possible

> to put some kind of "\r\n" string into the value to format it?
> <fo:block hyphenate="true" font-size="10pt" font-weight="bold">
>     <xsl:value-of select="@value"/>
> </fo:block>
> This XSL document is used to convert an XML document to PDF with 
> either FOP 0.20.5 or 0.93 used embedded in a java 5.0 code.
> Thank you for your help.
> Kind regards,
> Miroslav Gregan
> Siemens PSE-SK KB SK2
> Dubravska cesta 4
> 84104 Bratislava
> Slovakia

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