On Feb 28, 2007, at 13:45, Abel Braaksma wrote:


I have a nicely formatted table but got stuck when trying to adjust the content of each cell to the middle of it. Perhaps this has been asked before, but I didn't find it in the archives. Here is the snippet:

<fo:table-cell vertical-align="middle" >...</fo:table-cell>

The vertical-align shorthand does not apply to a fo:table-cell, and since it is non-inherited, specifying it there does not have any effect (unless a value of "inherit" or "from-nearest-specified()" is used on the descendants).

If I judge correctly, the property you're actually looking for is display-align :

<fo:table-cell display-align="center">

<snip />
In addition: on the compliance page I found "[0.93] Percentages are not supported, yet." and on the history of changes (http:// xmlgraphics.apache.org/fop/0.93/changes_0.93.html) I found "Bugfix: Percentages in vertical-align property values were not correctly handled." which sounds to me that percentages should work now, is it not?

This indeed sounds like an oversight. We'll have to check whether the testcases cover this and update the compliance page if necessary.

Thanks for reporting this.



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