> I have a module with 4 column.The first column is a product descripion and
> the third is the price.Then when if the description is break on the new
> the prrice is on the same line of the first product description line but i
> want that the price is dyplayed on the last line of the description

I assume you're using table cells for the columns? Set the Price table cell
to align to the bottom. In HTML this would be:

<td valign="bottom">

In XSL-FO it is:

<fo:table-cell display-align="after">

Actually, you may wish to cause paragraphs not to break on page. In other
words, an entire description will always appear on the same page as its
price. In XSL-FO this is the keep-together="always" attribute inside of the
table or cell element you wish to keep on the same page.

I hope that is helpful.


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