On 12.03.2007 19:59:26 Abel Braaksma wrote:
> Thomas Yip wrote:
> > [...]
> > <xsl:include href="../template1.xsl" />
> > <xsl:include href="template2.xsl"/>
> > <xsl:include href="template3.xsl" />
> > <xsl:include href="template4.xsl" />
> > <xsl:include href="template5.xsl" />
> >
> > [...]
> >
> > <!-- Body -->
> > <fo:flow flow-name="xsl-region-body">
> >   fo:block>
> >     <xsl:call-template name="template1" /> <!--in template1.xsl-->
> >     <xsl:call-template name="template2" /> <!--in template2.xsl-->
> >     <xsl:call-template name="template3" /> <!--in template3.xsl-->
> >     <xsl:call-template name="template4" /> <!--in template4.xsl-->
> >     <xsl:call-template name="template5" /> <!--in template5.xsl-->
> >   </fo:block>
> > </fo:flow>
> > [...]
> Now it is XSLT, not XSL-FO. I thought the XSL-FO process was causing the 
> trouble (see your own OP).
> I don't see why this (including many stylesheets) would cause you 
> problems with running XSLT.

I agree. Actually, the whole thing should be faster in a servlet since
you don't have the VM warmup time. Plus in a servlet you can make sure
you reuse the TransformerFactory and the FopFactory and finally reusing
the JAXP Templates object representing the stylesheet could also help
optimizing as the stylesheet wouldn't have to be parsed each time.

Anyway, if the command-line is that much faster than inside the servlet
the problem must be somewhere else: Either to little memory and the VM
is constantly garbage collecting or some other thing (maybe like Andreas
indicated) is wrong. I'd try to divide all the steps and measure them
separately to find the culprit.

Jeremias Maerki

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