On Jul 20, 2007, at 20:55, David Kelly wrote:


<snip />
I am using FOP 0.93 in a Windows environment. I'm also using an en- US hyphenation table from OFFO.

What I would like to find out is:

1. Should the ZWS work, and if so, what might cause it not to work?

Last I heard, someone actually did use ZWSP with 0.93 and there was still a tiny problem there since the renderer inserted a placeholder glyph # in the result (bug that was recently fixed in FOP Trunk).

That said, the linebreaking should work, IIRC. No immediate idea on why it isn't working in your case... Is it possible to post a small fragment of your FO that shows the problem? Say one block with ZWSP and one block without? That could already help us a lot in figuring this out.

2. Are there alternatives for creating a line-break after an underscore? (I tried customizing a hyphenation pattern in the en_US.xml hyphenation file and pointing the cfg.xml <hyphenation_base> to point to its directory, but this did not appear to work for me either - output shows the hyphenation file is being read, but the new pattern apparently is not being processed. I tried changing the hyphen character in the en- US.xml file, and that did not get picked up either.

WRT the patterns: how exactly do you alter them? Do note that in principle you can only mark the favorability of a hyphenation point, and that is not an absolute...

Also, I recently noticed that if you would supply the following sequences to FOP's hyphenation


You don't get /any/ hyphenation points. The hyphenator gives up once it encounters the first comma or digit. Maybe a similar thing is happening with underscores... I'd have to check to say for certain

As for the hyphen character, that looks 'normal':
I don't think FOP currently takes into account anything else than a specified "hyphenation-character" property, so changing that in the en-US.xml file won't have any effect.



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