If you are doing that much formatting, you may really want to check out using ant for your build process, especially if doing multiple output formats. I use this on Mac OS X and have no problem with background running or anything else. My rule for PDF formatting is just:

  <target name="pdf" depends="-fo" description="Produce the PDF">
    <fop format="application/pdf" basedir="${formatdir}"

It is easy to adapt this to use a glob rule to build a list of files to format and I also have my process automatically validate DocBook inputs, produce single file and chunked HTML, ODF, convert graphics files from SVG as necessary, automatically check dates to only format what is needed, zip the formatted files and graphics for distribution, clean up the working directories, and even do some dependency tracking on what versions of DocBook, the XSLT stylesheets, fop and other libraries I am using for a particular document so I don't have trouble when I check out an old one from version control. I have a template build file I include for each project and then customize. It took me a good bit of work to set up the environment but has been very easy to maintain.

This is not a huge matter. More on the line of an annoyance. And I may need to take this question to a java list rather than this list. If so, just point me in the right direction.

At any rate, I have an XSLT stylesheet that produces 50+ separate fo documents. I then run the shell script below to batch produce the pdf documents:

for foo in *.fo
state=`basename $foo .fo`
/Applications/fop-0.94/fop -fo $foo -pdf ../pdf_files/$state.pdf

When I run this script on my Mac (OS X 10.4.11, java version "1.5.0_13" fop-0.94), org.apache.fop.cli.main takes control of the desktop, stopping whatever it is I am doing for about 5 seconds. I gain control again for about 5 seconds until fop pumps out another pdf document. I basically have to step away from the computer for the 8 minutes that the batch process takes. Adding & and wait to the main line of the script does not seem to work:

/Applications/fop-0.94/fop -fo $foo -pdf ../pdf_files/$state.pdf &

The first script above on Ubuntu linux runs in the background without interrupting other running process.

Any simple solutions?

Terry Ofner


Eric Vought

"Deserves Death? I daresay he does. Many who live deserve death. Many who die deserve life. Can you give it to them, Frodo? Do not be so quick to deal death in the name of justice. Even the very wise cannot see all ends." -- Gandalf the Grey

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