Hello again, Jeremias,

I know: I wrote about MY requirements from MY point view... probably
everyone have a different view about that and is pretty impossible to make
everybody happy. I understand this...

I have designed many informative systems for big companies and "integration
problem" was always the main obstacle in developing: many standards, many
technologies, too many formats. I have used Java SE/EE deeply couse of the
uniform approach and technology integration it offers.

When you work to automatize the business workflow of a large office (for
example a Telecom company department) believe me: you will produce a big
mountain of documents, reports, tables and so on and you must take care
about a detail every forgot from technicians: the HCI - human computer
interface - this is one of the main factors that make a computer system
usable and friendly for the users.

Microsoft Word is massively used inside big organizations, and the base
concept is WYSIWG. So, if you develop a desktop application for an employe
you will receive the -unsolited- question: why what I see on the screen is
not what I see when I print document or when I send it by email? Why
application cannot show me the final result "in real time" when I work on
data? Word is doing that! (I cannot describe my face in similar
situations... when I was working for SIEMENS this was one of the most
frequent questions...)

But I think people are right: documents are not for technicians like you and
me, documents are for people. Must be readble, well formatted, colored and

XSL-FO offer all instruments to create beatiful documents but... you cannot
easily integrate them in a desktop application. I have used yet FOP during
my work, and it was always the final step after a lot of elaboration: the
printing/email step.

Batik project offers a big support for application integration: the
JSVGCanvas class and the SVGGraphics2D generator class. iText offers
something similar for PDF... so I think my requirements are not so much far
from the "real world".

I was seriously thinking to be involved in the enhancement of the AWTViewer,
but for now I have no time at all.
I can imagine the big effort caming from the implementation of the XSL-FO
specifications... I absolutely understand you; but, as I repeat, for now I
cannot be involved in the FOP project even if I like your proposal very
Maybe in a close future... who knows?

Anyway, thanks for your sincere opinion and suggestions.

Giulio Buccini

Jeremias Maerki-2 wrote:
> These are your requirements for FOP. Most other users don't have these
> requirements so there's no focus in this direction. Yet, anyway. Giulio,
> you're invited to help us improve FOP. Everyone can participate. It
> would be great to have someone who really cares about the
> AWTRenderer/PreviewPanel. AFAIK, it's not something that is used by any
> of the active committers. It was introduced once, improved a little over
> time but it's still just a minimal viewer. I'm sure at least some level
> of interactivity would be relatively easy to implement.
> On 10.01.2008 15:32:16 Giulio Buccini wrote:
>> Hello Jeremias,
>> I apologyze, you're right: PreviewPanel is a renderer of the FO document,
>> not of the PDF document.
>> Nevertheless, as I understand, FOP was designed mainly to realize a
>> software
>> the is used mainly in off-line mode. Beleive me, FOP is great, but it
>> cannot
>> be used easily for integration in real-world application.
> Uhm, in your real-world application anyway. Do you know how many users
> use FOP in real-world scenarios?
>> The main lack of FOP is the follow: it doesn't provide API to manipulate
>> and
>> support interaction with a user. I adore FOP, but it can be used only in
>> pipe-processing, scriptings, batch and so on.
> The project is defined to produce a formatter, not necessarily a
> document viewer. The AWT Viewer is just a goodie we've got somewhere on
> the way by a contributor. It's not a central part of FOP.
>> I think there is a lot of people (like me) interested in a easy-to-use
>> API
>> to develop real solutions using the XSL-FO standard. From my point view
>> FOP
>> is too much close to a "compiler" (!!) : give-it the XSL-FO code and it
>> will
>> give you something useful (PDF for example). The point is: java is
>> powerful
>> language and it allows sophisticate levels of abstraction, so why I must
>> code XSL-FO directly?
> Sorry, but I don't follow you here.
>> I think that the major part of people is using FOP as a sort of
>> transcoder
>> routine. Understand me, this is a big result di per se, but I think more
>> success can be achieved if FOP is completed with a set of useful software
>> tools for composition, manipulation, interaction, browsing and so on. Do
>> you
>> agree?
> Sure, that would be cool. But we're struggling enough to cover enough of
> the XSL-FO specification in the first place. The question is: Can you
> help us?
>> Even SVG is supporting features like a simple mouse-click...
>> Returning to your point, there are not so much free PDF viewer
>> implemented
>> in Java. Most of them are becomed commercial products while the others
>> are
>> really poor and bad implemented.
>> I have adopted the JPedal Standard implementation (the one that is free):
>> no
>> documentation but a terrible simple application used as reference for
>> free-users (it seems like an old old old old C code translated in java -
>> can
>> you imagine what a mess?? Mamma mia!).
>> I'm doing on the PDFDecoder class of JPedal exactly the same kind of work
>> that you have suggested for the AWTRenderer: a lot of heavy
>> personalization
>> and implementation of basic user features (goToPage, scrollToBokkmark,
>> zomm
>> in/out and so on).
>> Maybe was better trying to personalize the AWTRenderer, but main problem
>> is
>> lack of documentation: I have no-idea on how the AWT renderer is working
>> internally; there is no a code example or a simple application. So I
>> don't
>> have a minimal base for starting implementation.
> The preview is so special and not in wide-spread use that there's is not
> a big set of examples. You'll have to figure out how things work from
> the source code. Start from the command-line (-awt parameter) and find
> out how the preview is constructed. It would be great if you document
> your findings on FOP's Wiki.
>> I hope in future, FOP project, will go in the right direction: more
>> usability, sophisticated high-level APIs, details hiding.
> Unless you put your energy in this, I don't think it will. Sorry. Open
> Source is developed in the directions the development team steers it.
> And you can be part of it.
>> Sincerely, Giulio Buccini.
>> Jeremias Maerki-2 wrote:
>> > 
>> > Just a second, I think you're mixing things: PreviewPanel is not a "PDF
>> > view". It's displaying the rendered document using Java2D/AWT. The PDF
>> > format is not involved at all.
>> > 
>> > To your problem: If you switched to PDF (instead of PreviewPanel), i.e.
>> > embed a PDF-capable browser (or Acrobat Reader directly) in your Swing
>> > application you could make use of PDF named destinations like the
>> > anchors in HTML. This is done using the fox:destination extension
>> > element (which I just noticed is not documented anymore although it has
>> > been reimplemented in the latest release, but I'll fix that right
>> away).
>> > 
>> > How a browser or Acrobat Reader is embedded in a Swing application I
>> > can't tell you off-hand but I'm sure there are solutions on the web
>> > somewhere. I've done it in SWT once where it's certainly easier. But
>> the
>> > whole thing could become platform-dependent that way which is bad.
>> > 
>> > So the platform-independent solution would be to teach the AWTRenderer
>> > (which is used to display the rendered document in PreviewPanel) to
>> > process the named destination elements to keep a list of the
>> > anchors/named destinations. You could then let the PreviewPanel jump to
>> > the right place.
>> > 
>> > I hope that gives you a few first pointers where you can go.
>> > 
>> > On 27.12.2007 17:37:27 Giulio Buccini wrote:
>> >> 
>> >> Hi,
>> >> 
>> >> I'm developing a java stand-alone application structured on the screen
>> as
>> >> follows:
>> >> 
>> >> 1) a tree data structure on the left side of the screen (a JTree
>> >> essentially);
>> >> 
>> >> 2) a pdf view of tree data on the right side of the screen.
>> >> 
>> >> My target is to provide a clear view of the final pdf document to the
>> >> user. 
>> >> FOP code is re-generated after any data modification (add, remove,
>> edit
>> >> and
>> >> so on) operated on the tree.
>> >> 
>> >> I'm migrating my application from an HTML view to a PDF view cause of
>> >> terrible troubles rising up when HTML is printed on a A4-size paper.
>> >> 
>> >> As I understand, the only component that I can use to embed a PDF view
>> in
>> >> my
>> >> application is the PreviewPanel. Nevertheless, this component is very
>> >> limited: user can only jump across pages.
>> >> 
>> >> What I need is a trick or a workaround to implement following
>> behaviour:
>> >> 
>> >> "When user click on a element in the tree the preview panel
>> automatically
>> >> jumps to the right page and scroll to right place."
>> >> 
>> >> Somebody knows a workaround to make this possible?
>> >> 
>> >> In my old html-version of my application I have solved this problem by
>> >> inserting many hidden anchor elements in the HTML code and using the
>> >> "scrollToLink" method of the JDesktop pane component. Now I'm in
>> troubles
>> >> cause I cannot apply the same solution with the generated pdf
>> document...
>> >> 
>> >> Suggestions? Ideas?
>> >> 
>> >> 
>> >> -- 
>> >> View this message in context:
>> >>
>> http://www.nabble.com/How-navigate-scroll-inside-the-PreviewPanel-tp14515390p14515390.html
>> >> Sent from the FOP - Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > Jeremias Maerki
>> > 
>> > 
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>> > 
>> -----
>> Giulio Buccini
>> -- 
>> View this message in context:
>> http://www.nabble.com/How-navigate-scroll-inside-the-PreviewPanel-tp14515390p14734907.html
>> Sent from the FOP - Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
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> Jeremias Maerki
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Giulio Buccini
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