I'm creating java servlet for making PDF file from xml and xslt files.
It's possible making documents with 1000 pages or more ? How many memory i
must have in my server to do this ? How long take generate this file ?

I've created a system that makes 2,000-page documents with FOP. Those documents had only one image (a logo on the cover) and consisted entirely of tables that described the contents of databases.

I've also created a system that makes more complex documents that exceed 700 pages. Those are software user guides that include images, tables, lists (bulleted and numbered), very deep levels of nesting (think list within table within list), and all the other fun things that technical writers will do to a document when you tell them the system can handle anything. So far, it has handled everything they throw at it.

The machines running those processes (they are at two different companies) have 1GB of RAM (and I configured Java to use all of it), and both processes run in just about two minutes. Both of those processes are triggered by users calling Ant build files (either from Eclipse or from the command line), but I'm sure they'd run on a server (though it might need 2GB RAM instead of 1GB). You'd just have to train your users to not hit the Back button for two or three minutes.

So, it's possible, but it depends on the things Jeremias mentioned, with layout complexity being the biggest factor in my experience. The less FOP has to keep in memory before it can write objects to the PDF file, the larger document you can build.

Jay Bryant
Bryant Communication Services

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