Given that it works on some machines but not on others (especially a
Linux server) could indicate not a problem in FOP but with the JVM.
Please make sure you use a Sun JVM to avoid any problems coming from not
fully implemented or buggy class libraries like GNU Classpath (used by
GCJ, Kaffee etc.).

On 10.04.2008 03:46:28 Roland Neilands wrote:
> Hello foppers,
> We've just put a watermark on our documents & it works fine on two PC's 
> using FOP 0.20.5, 0.93 & 0.94.
> It's completely ignored on two linux servers (tested with same 3 fop 
> versions). The rest of the document renders fine, just no watermark, 
> except for 20.5 which fails with an erroneous error about an id already 
> existing (yes it only happens with below svg included).
>     <fo:block-container width="25cm" height="18cm" top="0cm" left="0cm" 
> position="absolute">
>     <fo:block>
>       <fo:instream-foreign-object xmlns:svg="";>
>         <svg:svg width="25cm" height="18cm">
>             <svg:g transform="rotate(-35)">
>               <svg:text x="-200" y="17cm" style="font-family:serif; 
> font-size:70pt; font-weight:normal; fill:none; stroke:black; 
> stroke-width:1.0; stroke-opacity:0.30; letter-spacing:14pt;">
>                 <xsl:value-of 
> select="substring-before(Header/Amend_Confirm,':')"/>
>               </svg:text>
>             </svg:g>
>         </svg:svg>
>       </fo:instream-foreign-object>
>     </fo:block>
>   </fo:block-container>
> We've tried changing font, colour & opacity & set the xslt xml 
> declaration to standalone. The server already has the headless=true 
> option on.
> Can anyone see any problems with this? Otherwise it's gif time.
> Another interesting note is that the svg overlays the region-body text, 
> but not the static-content stuff. This is annoying, hence the no-fill.
> -- 
> Regards,
> Roland 

Jeremias Maerki

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