Vincent Hennebert escreveu:

kindaian a écrit :
Some time ago I had a similar requirement. May happen it is the same. I
have blocks in the format

This is what I was getting:
---- top of page
| XXXXX -block one
| XXXXX -block two
| XXXXX - block three
---- bottom of page

This is what I wanted it to happen:
---- top of page
|XXXXX -block one
|XXXXX -block two
|XXXXX -block three
---- bottom of the page

I think what I'm looking can be called "vertical-justify". And is
something very useful to make layouts like yellow pages and the like
(lots of small blocks of text, spread on several columns in the page,
justified to the top and bottom of the page).

There’s no need for a vertical-justify setting to achieve this. You can
just specify elastic spaces between the blocks:
    <fo:block space-after.minimum="0"
              space-after.maximum="30pt">block one</fo:block>

FOP will use the amount of stretchable whitespace that’s avaialable to
“justify” the content on the page.

But I think that Vangelis’ requirement was to make visible the amount of
whitespace left at the bottom of a column by the layout algorithm, when
no elastic space is available. In which case I’m afraid I can’t think of
any FO construction to achieve that. But maybe you will find the above
hint useful, after all.

There is a simple trick...

||  block 1       ||
||  block 2       ||
||  block 3       ||
|                  |
|  unused space    |

Just add a colored background in the table column.
And add the "indented-normal" colour in background of each block. Some actual tests may be needed to check if this trick would do the expected result.

The result will be that the unused space will appear coloured.

Is this what you need Vangelis?


p.s.- this could be used to pre-render and ascertain block dimensions in a pdf engine, naturally, different output targets would generate different results (I've to think about this, because this gives me some interesting ideas).

p.s.- and thank you for the tip on the "elastic" spacing...

Jeremias Maerki escreveu:
Not sure I understand you correctly. There are various way to generate
"padding" at the page bottom:

- margin-bottom on fo:simple-page-master
- margin-bottom on fo:region-body
- Enclose all your content in an fo:block and specify:
   padding-after="2cm" padding-after.conditionality="retain"

Depends on what effect you need exactly.


On 02.05.2008 21:39:24 Vangelis Karageorgos wrote:

Hi everybody,

there's a question we've been confronted with during our development
using FOP.
Is page bottom padding possible to materialize in FOP, while
constructing a
layout with several columns and flow from one onto another?

Thanks in advance,


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