On May 29, 2008, at 06:10, Martin Edge wrote:


<snip />
Some of these letters however, may be printed in duplex mode when it hits
our printer.

Currently we iterate through each generated PDF file, and modify a place holder to give it the correct page numbers based on whether the letter is
simplex or duplex. We also do this similar tagging in the PCL file we
generate afterwards. When dealing with large volumes of letters, this
process is very time intensive. It would seem much smarter to solve this at
the FO level.

I know XSL-FO is strictly a formatting extension, but is there _any_ way in
this .FO file I could do any calculation?

For instance, <somewaytocalculate><fo:page-number-citation
Where in that calculation I could simply divide the output of the page
number by 2 and floor it?

In FO there really is no way to insert a calculation like that, if I interpret the question correctly:
You cannot calculate anything based on a generated page-number.

The only way to do something like that would be to resort to the Intermediate Format, and substitute the page-numbers in the area tree before the final rendering, but this may prove to be just as time- consuming as what you have now. (see http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/ fop/0.95/intermediate.html)



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