On Jun 1, 2008, at 05:03, Martin Edge wrote:


<snip />
Perhaps the software I am using to do the conversion from PDF to PCL could be improved.. I tried postscript, but so far I have been processing for 21hrs.. My 79Mb PDF file is now a 94 Gig Postscript file! (that can’t be real, surely??).

Depends on the contents, but PDF has internal compression while PS does not. For a 'fair' comparison of the sizes, you should generate the PDF uncompressed.

Also, you could try using the PS Renderer directly, and check if the file FOP generates, takes as long and is as large as the one produced by GhostScript.

Anyway, 94 GB for 20000 pages means almost 5 MB per page, which does indeed seem to be on the high side.

<snip />
Can you recommend a better software for this purpose, or is the conversion to PDF first potentially hazardous in performance to my desired printing type (PCL or PS).

Maybe, but I can't say for sure, if you need both PDF and PS output from the same base XSL-FO, the link I provided earlier to the Intermediate Format could be of use. You could generate the intermediate area tree once, and render that same file to both output formats. Since PDF and PS use the same font- metrics, this is a possibility. Trying the same with PCL or AFP may still lead to undesirable differences...

The benefit in terms of processing would be that layout, as the most resource- and time-consuming part of the process, will only have to be done once.



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