
The ids get generated on the fly during the XML to FO transformation, for the 
original <text> tags, and get output in the FO format as <fo:block id=…> . This 
is expressed as 

                                        <fo:block id="#{generate-id()}" 

in the XSL document. See generate-id() in 
http://www.w3schools.com/XSL/func_generateid.asp . So basically, I’m just doing 
the XSLT transformation (my own format to FO), and adding as bonus the id 
generation. Find the XSLT and FO details below






The relevant parts of the XSL look like 


        <xsl:template match="body">

                <fo:block space-after.optimum="3pt" space-before.optimum="4pt">





      <xsl:template match="text">

                <xsl:if test="@alignment='Left'">

                                        <fo:block id="#{generate-id()}" 
font-size="8pt" font-weight="normal" font-family="sans-serif" line-height="9pt" 
space-after.optimum="8pt" text-align="left">

                                                <xsl:value-of select="."/>





A section of the output fo, as produced by apache fo, looks like this (indented 
by me) – see how the ids appear in the fo:block tags  



<fo:block text-align="right" space-after.optimum="8pt" line-height="9pt" 
font-family="sans-serif" font-weight="normal" font-size="8pt" id="#N10011">     

Adress 1 line


<fo:block text-align="right"space-after.optimum="8pt" line-height="9pt" 
font-family="sans-serif" font-weight="normal" font-size="8pt" id="#N10017">     

Address 2 line 


<fo:block text-align="center" space-after.optimum="10pt" line-height="13pt" 
font-family="sans-serif" font-weight="normal" font-size="12pt" id="#N1001F">    

Another text line in different font





From: Peter Hancock [mailto:peter.hanc...@gmail.com] 
Sent: lunes, 11 de enero de 2010 18:30
To: fop-users@xmlgraphics.apache.org
Subject: Re: Absolute position of original text in final PDF


Hi Igor,

It is not clear to me how these <text> elements are defined - in your xml 
input?  If so how do you transform them to fo whilst retaining the id 
attribute?  Could you provide a small example of the xml and the corresponding 
xsl that you wish to be input of fop.



On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 4:39 PM, Igor Rosenberg 
<igor.rosenb...@atosresearch.eu> wrote:

Dear FOP mailinglist readers,


I’ve been fighting with the Apache FOP source for a week, but I can’t solve my 
problem alone… 


One of the features of the application I’m writing produces a PDF, based on an 
XML that follows a simple schema (header info, tables, images and text, but 
nothing fancy). Generating the FO then the PDF are the easy steps. Fop does the 
job marvelously. Now I need to output to the user the coordinates of bounding 
boxes. Those  bounding boxes must represent the placement in the PDF of the 
original text within the XML. To provide an example: 


If I had in my original XML ,   

<text id=”xxx”>This text appears somewhere in the PDF</text>

I would want, during the XML to PDF process, to output something like

            Bounding_box {id=”xxx”, x=34, y=45, w=444,h=25}

I understand this as “the original text of tag xxx is contained in the pdf in 
the rectangle starting at point (34,45), of width 444, and height 25”

(if the text is split into several pages or areas, receiving a list of 
rectangles would be fine)


To summarize: how can I know the position in the final PDF of the original text?


I’ve tried decorating different classes of FOP, looking at the FOTreeBuilder, 
the AreaTreeParser, but failed to maintain the identifier of the original text 

I’d prefer staying with release 0.95, but can also use the trunk if required. 


While browsing, I thought that the  accessibility features might help, but 
couldn’t figure out how


I thought relying on the Area Tree, but couldn’t retrieve the original id that 
were set to the original XML tags. 




Thanks for any  help




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