Dear Jeremias, Georg, Chris, Craig,

thanks a lot for your answers!!!

I already thought about the "simple text marker" idea.
I really would prefer a marker on element or attribute level because I have an 
already implemented XMLFilter which would handle my placeholders.
A text parsing would be less performant in my opinion...

@Jeremias: when you say that a new extension would be difficult, do you mean 
If its possible could you give me some hints how to do this...

I dont want to lose the great performance of the IF just because some text 
Thanks in advance!


On 13.07.2010, at 14:10, Jeremias Maerki wrote:

> Adam,
> the IF was designed to be fast and is therefore not very verbose. If you
> need to refer to an ID, you have to use the Area Tree XML (AT) like
> Georg said.
> On page, page-sequence and image, the IFSerializer writes out any
> foreign attributes (non-fo namespace) that exist in the XSL-FO. But that
> doesn't work on blocks and such because the semantics of XSL-FO don't
> exist in IF anymore.
> Implementing a FOP extension on this level is going to be rather difficult.
> As another work-around, you could do something like this:
> <fo:block space-after="-1.2em">HERE!</fo:block>
> You can then look for and extract the <text> element with "HERE!". The
> -1.2em compensates for the size of the block.
> On 13.07.2010 11:19:56 Adam Kovacs wrote:
>> Hi there,
>> I would need an XML element from any namespace which is not interpreted by 
>> FOP and goes into the Intermediate Format output as it is.
>> I want to use this element as placeholder in the FOP_IF, and in a second 
>> step I can modify the FOP Intermediate File for my needs.
>> Is there an element I could use?
>> If not how can I make a new FOP Extension which does this?
>> Any other suggestion how to do this are very welcome!!!
>> Thanks in advance!
>> Greetings,
>> Adam
>> Using FOP Trunk
> Jeremias Maerki
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